Unification with justice for all: help Earth become whole again by helping it repair our damage to it and to ourselves, as only it knows how.
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
– Nature Boy (Abez Eden)
$44.00 (includes Priority Mail shipping) or by donation Order Here or from Amazon.com
A free self-evidence course includes this book online. Complete this page first then Explore the course here
Because this book/course is crucial for a sane society, budget challenges do not prevent anyone from enjoying its unique contribution wholeness.
The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power
Creating Moments that Let Earth Teach
WARRANTY: Have you ever felt better and thought more clearly just from quiet time that you have spent in an attractive natural area? If so then you have undeniable evidence of the recovery powers available through the contribution that this book makes.
Review: The Book and its Course
“No doubt or argument here,” says Dr. Michael J. Cohen the Organic Psychology Program Director at Akamai University in Hawaii. “In this moment it is self-evident that you are reading these words. If you recognize that this is a scientific fact it will help you benefit from additional facts that are otherwise beyond belief in my new 50th anniversary book, ‘The Hidden Organic Remedy (THOReau): Nature as Higher Power.’ ”
The accuracy of the information in THOR is self-evident because its text involves you in collecting, strengthening and confirming its truth as a fact. This is the the science of “Validating.”
We gain accurate knowledge through sensory experience and observation. The most basic form of this necessary truth is self-evident truth. Self-evident means you don’t have to think about it or prove it. It has to be true and recognizing this makes it stronger.
To our loss, nature’s special power is missing from over 99 percent of the “indoor” way we think, feel and relate in contemporary society. This loss produces a lasting discomfort that addicts us to unreasonable reliefs accompanied by personal and social troubles that place life on Earth at-risk.
THOR enables you to reconnect with Nature’s power at will. You can enjoy and benefit from the otherwise impossible dream of nature’s perfection.
THOR conveys my 55 years of outdoor research at Project NatureConnect by having you experience and validate it in natural areas for yourself, backyard or backcountry. The book successfully addresses our basic addiction problem, that of our leaders identifying our disorders but not giving us a tool that helps us remedy them by removing their addictive source. THOR helps you solve this problem in two ways. It identifies the addictive source, within and around you, and it provides you with the missing tools you need to deal with it.
1) my literate personal body that I feed, that breathes and is writing these words and
2) my non-literate body, Planet Earth, that cannot articulate, read or write. Earth and its energy is my living other body. I hold that this is true for you, too.”
Throughout THOR I share my experiences that continually make this Other Body truth a fact for me and others and help you do the same for yourself. You accomplish this by Validating your direct sensory contacts with people while visiting authentic natural areas, backyard or backcounty. You choose to become aware of the unifying truths you find when your body mind and spirit make conscious sensory contact with authentic nature’s unifying powers, in and around you and others in a natural area. Then they provide the vital self-evidence that we are taught to exclude from our lives.
Within an hour you will recognize your “Other Body” and its healing energies. With many thanks to it, you will benefit from its presently omitted yet essential support and wisdom. In addition, and with a world of gratitude, your Other Body will benefit from you as you strip away the addictive distortions and disconnections that prevent each of us from enjoying and honoring our natural relationship with our whole living planet as our real body, including each other. Once you learn this process, simply saying and heeding the word “Validate” will trigger this powerful connection and its restorative ways anytime, anywhere.
As you continue, THOR identifies the point source of our disorders. It is our addiction to inaccurate stories from the past that separate our mind, body and spirit from our disorder-free, self-correcting Other Body/Earth. To help you deal with this disastrous addiction, THOR provides hands-on experiences and Validations that help you enjoy, and teach others, how to connect with the balance of your Other Body’s peace, purity and unifying powers.
Due to this war we have gone mad. We have lost the sanity and well-being ordinarily sustained by Earth’s balanced purity, self-correcting and restorative energies, in and around us.
THOR helps you recover sane well-being by genuinely connecting you to its source, your/our Other Body.
Each chapter’s hands-on, sensory science empowers the inherent natural genius that is both your bodies unified, to correct our Society’s addiction todisastrous nature-disconnected stories that indoctrinate us to think, feel and act in isolation from the wisdom of our Other Body. This same genius has enabled nature-centered societies to live in contact with Earth’s intelligent renewing and healing energies for thousands of years without producing or suffering our troubles. You achieve this goal through thinking and feeling that includes self-evidence obtained by genuinely connecting your 54 natural senses and sensibilities with your Other Body’s restorative powers in natural areas, backyard or backcountry.
- Participate in this book’s 54-sense art of validating Planet Earth as your non-literate “other body.”
- Reap the rewards from reversing the effects of the unbalanced ways we have been destructively addicted to know and relate to the world and ourselves, ways that addict us to corrupt stories that warp how we think, feel and relate.
- Apply this skill to your personal life and livelihood.
- Recognize that you can optionally obtain free course credit, a certification, a career or a degree for mastering THOR’S educating, counseling and healing with nature whole life application of Ecopsychology. You can help others do the same and receive a donation or payment for your services
Can you validate this?
There is a critical moment that may deprive you of the balanced happiness and advantages of unifying your mind, body and spirit with your Other Body, Earth. In that moment, you will choose to not get involved with this book and not benefit from the free information, activities and courses that it offers. However, if you do read it, your greatest dreams will begin to come true as you scientifically integrate your life with your inherent biological and spiritual love of your Other Body Self and vice versa. This is a process that, in conjunction with the unbalanced rewards of excessive profiteering and domination, the leaders of our culture are addicted to teach us to suppress. This includes the “objectivivity” of the media and judicial system.
You, others and Earth will increasingly thrive together in the impossible dream of respectful equilibrium as our blended energies strengthen nature-connected personal, social and environmental justice.
Your disorders and discontents will simply be symptoms that motivate and empower you and others to break your destructive addiction to the misleading stories that cause them. Your Other Body’s healing powers will help you do for yourself what they best know how to do.
From 50 years in genuine sensory contact with Nature, in and around me, my experiences show me that:
- the past and present addictive omission in our “civilized” lives’ (including stories, technologies meditations, prayers, relationships etc.) that prevents us from genuinely connecting to our authentic Other Body is the underlying cause of great problems that we produce.
- genuinely connecting to our Other Body Self is the organic remedy for this addiction and its ill effects.
- this remedy can be added to most forms of psychology, healing, psychiatry, therapies, meditations, science, education and other disciplines. THOR includes a warranty to this effect.
No surprise, reconnecting ourselves with our “Earth boat” has produced the health and happiness of supportive personal and global interactions as we together learn to think and relate like nature’s perfection works.
Our stories have fractured the world and our mind, body and spirit. As fractions, we must discover and use our common denominator to solve this problem. THOR identifies this denominator and teaches us how to apply it to our lives.
The Critical Question
How or what would you think, feel or be if Earth was taken away from you, that it was no longer your other body? When a person considers this question they often say something like: “Loss, Unloved, Stupid, Anguish, Tense, Unfulfilled, Isolated, Injured, Depressed or Wanting.” Subconsciously burying or directly experiencing these self-evident feelings produces excessive stress or anxiety and its related disorders. The reason that we too often suffer them is because over 99 percent of our lifetime isrewardingly addicted to artificial disconnections from the way Earth/Nature, our Other Body works. In this sense our excessively nature-disconnected lives are a stressful out-of-body experience.
– Walk in the regenerative power of Nature’s purifying renewal energies.
– Know and enjoy Earth as your living other body and its wellness
Information alone seldom produces change for the better due to our addiction to old, inaccurate information. It requires, in addition, a strong motivational energy, a love, spark or spirit to fulfill our wanting senses and create reasonable change and its benefits that break the addiction.
Planet Earth is our whole body. Anything else is usually a form of disconnective madness that is killing people and places and that needsEducating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) treatment.
THOR reasonably helps you explore “Spirit” and “Nature” as identical labels for the life-dance of the natural world and its corrective energies over the eons. The Dance offers powerful assistance when we seek it. The book’s activities give you access to this assistance. Discover how we place the world and ourselves at risk because via corrupt information we excessively detach our existence from the purifying and restorative ways of nature’s Dance, along with how to reattach to them.
– “Human” is our literate Earth/Nature selves as part of the Dance.
– Mr. Brandon Flowers, sir, we are born Dancer and whenever the literate stories and acts of our body, mind and spirit support Nature, we are Dancer again.
The absence of nature’s love in Industrial Society makes many of us suffer relationships and illnesses that demand more than standard recovery or medical practices. This includes individuals in therapy, treatment or 12 step rehab programs who seek higher power as part of Alcoholics-Overeaters-Narcotics Anonymous or Al Anonon addiction meetings. (The reason we suffer is because we are THOR losers <grin>.)
What is usually missing in our lives and literature is the hidden but critical how to do it remedy for our loss of Earth’s wisdom and loving support of us. THOR replaces this deficit in a good way. Its hands-on means for us to benefit from nature’s unadulterated balance and happiness is guaranteed real, stronger and more trustable than the Rock of Gibralter.
The unifying natural sensations, feelings and information THOR elicits are authentic facts of life that most psychologically injured leaders indoctrinate us (and have been indoctrinated) to ignore. Greedy and bewildered (wilderness separated), our conflicted authorities misguide us so we produce problems that we can’t solve while they addictively reward themselves with runaway profits from selling us questionable solutions. THOR provides a no nonsense remedy for this corruption. It is a free organic tool and expertise that enables us to permanently transform our discontents into sensible relationships as we add the healing ways of nature’s recycling and recovery powers to the injured parts of our personal and professional life. THOR suggests it is self-evident that 13.5 billion years ago the Big Bang was the Universe loving itself into being, then, now and tomorrow. Each of us are biologically unique personifications of the singular Big Bang process.
The wonderful advantage of the scientific process that has identified the Standard Universe is that it enables our body, mind and spirit to live in and think with a reasonable, defined wholeness, not a misleading story or fantasy about our Planet. We can choose to think in whole life ways because, like one and zero being the basis of mathematics, we have identified the start and unbroken eons of our attraction-based Universe to this moment in time on Earth.
Too often we learn to forget that Nature is creation’s living universeintelligence of the eons. Intelligently:
. | – It produces optimums of life, diversity, peace and cooperation in and around us. – It organizes, corrects and heals all members of the web of life, including us. – It peacefully accomplishes its perfections without producing garbage or pollution in the environment or in our body, mind and spirit. |
We suffer because our lives are extremely separated from the renewing ways of the natural world’s affection for us as part of it. We spend, on average, less than 12 hours of our 55,000 hour lifetime thinking and feeling in tune with the way Nature works.
THOR gives us the missing sensory recovery process that we need to think, feel and build relationships while the purity of nature’s balance and beauty guide and embrace us. Its sensory art of thinking and feeling with the natural world enables you to:
– Compost the corruption undermining your relationships. – Recycle and transform the garbage that unfair profiteering dumps in your body, mind and spirit. |
– Stop the runaway exploitation of yourself, others and the environment, instead discover and enjoy your common ground with them. | |
– Become a healer. Use your distress and outrage to transform our stupidity and madness into supportive community. | |
– Genuinely immerse yourself in the wisdom of the eons to produce optimums of life, diversity, peace and cooperation in and around us. |
– Produce beneficial rather than detrimental side effects. – Learn and teach others how to build relationships rooted in authentic nature’s love and brilliance. |
An Ecologically Sound Remedy for Addiction
In our excessively nature-disconnected society most everyone is destructively addicted to something that relieves their pain from being disconnected from Nature (Earth/Nature, their Other Body).
The above Webstring activity with natural attraction sense #21 (appetite or hunger for air, water, food) can be effectively done anywhere at any time by the powerful, rich and famous to the poor, sick and homeless. Part of it is already included in most healing and meditative rituals. However, to our loss, what is missing in them is the Web-of-Life Model, Other Body explanation as to what and why the activity works: the whole-life significance of attraction-based intermingling on atomic to global level relationships, along with their rewarding, anti-addiction contributions to personal, social and environmental well being. Instead the inhaling activity is often used to make the individual or group healthier and stronger, to help them increase their resilience and more adequately comply with and be rewarded by the destructive dogma of industrial society and its ill effects on our Other Body/Earth that we hold in common.
This phenomemon, above, is also true for most beneficial sciences, arts and disciplines that we learn and practice in our excessively nature-disconnected society. It explains why we can successfully identify problems, but due to each individual’s, along with our collective, addicted separation from nature’s healing, unifying and restorative powers, we can’t or won’t solve these problems.
THOR walks its talk. Its cost funds qualified individuals to implement the critical, accredited, scientific and spiritual remedy that it teaches. Learn more on the pages below or contact Dr. Cohen at 360-378-6313
$44.00 (includes Priority Mail shipping) or by donation. Order Here or from Amazon.com
A Free Course includes this book Explore it here
NOTE: Taking the PNC Orientation Course online is your best first step to gain a working knowledge and credits for this program.
The road to misery is paved with inaccurate stories bonded to good intentions.
Sample the Workbook:
The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power (THOR)
- Preface
- Introduction
- THOR Chapters One and Two plus Conclusion
- Overview Article: The Miracle of Something from Nothing includes applying the Albert Einstein Grand Unification Equation
- Authenticity: The Project NatureConnect Warranty
- A Review you can publish or edit (300 words)
- BEST COURSE is the Orientation Course: achieve your personal and professional goals.
- A Free Online Accredited Course you can take
- Questions THOR and the free course will help you answer (download)
- The Earth Avatar Training or Degree Track and fan club.
- Our 18 month Ph.D. M.S or B.S. Degree program
- A Free Online Activity you can do
- A Press Release you can edit and/or distribute
- The Gaining Consent from Nature activity
- A PNC Summary Article
- Appendix: The Anatomy of Institutions
- Appendix: 54 Natural Senses
- Appendix: The Discovery of Organism Earth
- Eco-Art Therapy: Wellness through nature-connected Art
- New 18 Month Ph.D or M.S Degree
* * *
The remaining three hours of this book’s material are experience based:
- Visit, call or Skype Mike Cohen to learn about the experience.
- Make arrangements to be eligible to receive a free copy of the book.
- Learn how to create moments that let Earth teach.
- Decontaminate your thoughts and relationships that suffer from your unrecognized addiction to pollution.
The research for THOR is described in Dr. Cohen’s peer reviewed bookEducating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN), in the article “The Magic of Something From Nothing” and other PNC books, web pages and online course responses that increase personal, social and environmental wellness. However, just reading about the experience rather than being it and sharing it first hand are not the same. NOTE Taking the PNC Orientation Course online is your best first step for personal and professional growth.
Visit the many links at our Survey of Participants to view the outcomes of ECHN